Using the performance name,
Myshkin, which alludes to the protagonist in Fyodor Dostoevksy’s
The Idiot, J.D. Grubb is in the prologue of public music: exploring a diverse catalog for inspiration, striving for fresh ideas, and experimenting with collaborative dynamics. This is expressed through rough demo albums he calls musical sketchbooks, of which "Stories Go" is the most recent, a Saint Valentine's Day EP, preceded by "Frailty", "The Rebel Rises from the Dead" (Live EP), the more experimental "Why are you here?", the unique "Between Meadow and Sky" (as Alaudidae), and "There was Music" (as Redwood). Promoting peace through the beauty of music. Thanks for listening.
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The Music:
As Noisetrade is no longer hosting my musical sketchbooks, I am in the process of adding the albums to a new platform in order to maximize their accessibility. In the meantime, you can sample various songs and two albums